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T.G.I.F – The Practice of Personal Productivity

Thank goodness it is Friday.  Over the last two weeks I have missed a number of outcomes, have a below average velocity, and added more tasks to my backlog than I have removed.  Is it time to give up?

Absolutely not.  It is time to review why.

What is the Weekly Review?
At the end of my week, I spend roughly twenty to thirty minutes reviewing my week.  During the weekly review, I view my dashboard to remember what went well, what needs improvement, and determine what I am going to do differently next week.  As time permits, I look for opportunities to save missed outcomes by taking steps to correct what went wrong and get set for success next week.

As described in the overview, I follow these steps:

The Weekly Review

  1. Review lessons learned from daily tasks and weekly outcomes – I make sure I have captured lessons learned from any uncompleted tasks or outcomes and look for trends across weeks.
  2. Analyze metrics – Since I am capturing my backlog, daily tasks and status, weekly outcomes and status in a spreadsheet, I am automatically capturing metrics through a set of pivot tables to help me understand how I am doing. For example, I capture my backlog management index, my weekly outcome % complete (this week, last week, total), my daily task % complete (this week, last week, total), my velocity (# outcomes per week or tasks per day), unplanned work, and my power days.
  3. Capture what went went well for week – I find it important to remember what went well so I can repeat it next week.
  4. Capture what needs to improve for week – I seek to improve in my ability to complete items as well as make any process tweaks to increase my capacity / eliminate waste.
  5. Review backlog – I review my backlog, mark completed items, and remove items no longer relevant.

Why the Weekly Review works

Question for you:  Is the weekly review too frequent to have meaning for you?

In Productivity (continual improvement, Lean, productivity, retrospective, scrum, TGIF, weekly review)
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